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Firm Foundations™
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Preaching the Gospel
We give thanks to our Father and God, who marches us in the victory procession of Christ our King, and through us spreads the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere (2. Cor. 2:14). Our King Mashiach’s final charge to His followers before He ascended into the heavens was “…that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations…” (Luk. 24:47, ESV). Your support helps us do our part in this mission.
Discipleship Resources
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Mat. 28:19,20, ESV). Firm Foundations™ strives to produce audio, visual, and print materials that will help the Body of Yeshua fulfill our mission to disciple the nations. All podcast videos and blog posts we create are forever free, for everyone. This is only possible because of your generous support. We sincerely thank you and the Holy Spirit for this invaluable opportunity and partnership.
Impacting Lives
Today billions of people are spending their time online watching videos. For many people around the world, videos on social media platforms are the only exposure they have to the Gospel and Messianic teaching. Some comment sections are littered with testimonies of how various Christian content creators have been used by God to save the lives of many. A kind word, a simple Biblical exhortation, and Spirit led conversation can change a life. This is our hearts cry: That those who are lost, discouraged, heartbroken, and searching for hope would find Yeshua (Jesus) through our testimony. Please subscribe to our podcast, like, and share our videos, and become a member of this website today.
What’s included?
Just the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping us create and provide material supporting the growth and mission of the body of Christ. When we open our merchandise shop, members like you will be given access to discount codes for all our printed materials and merchandise.